Synagogues of Montreal

The former Poele Tsedek at 7161 St. Urbain Street, now a Vietnamese temple

The former Shomrim Laboker synagogue at 3675 St. Dominique St., sold in the 1950s to an egg and dairy distributor

Interior of the former Shomrim Laboker synagogue, with crates of eggs stored in the former sanctuary

Exterior of Temple Solomon at Clark Street corner Bagg

Interior of Temple Solomon, still a functioning synagogue

The former Chevra Kadisha at 5213 Hutchison Street, now a Ukrainian community centre

The former Beit Hakneseth Anshei Ukraine, 5116 St. Urbain Street, now a Ukrainian church

The former Beith Hamedrash Chevra Shaas, 4170 St. Urbain Street, now a Portuguese community building

The former Nusach Ha’ari – Ahavath Shalom, 5583 Jeanne Mance, still a functioning synagogue

A corner for study in the sanctuary of the Nusach Ha’ari – Ahavath Shalom

The former Nusach Ha’ari at 100 Pine Ave. East became a theatre which was recently demolished