Welcome to my store!
Now you can purchase photographs directly from me online and have them shipped to you quickly. You can also purchase DVDs or downloads of some of my documentary films. We hope to have some books available soon as well.
Now you can purchase photographs directly from me online and have them shipped to you quickly. You can also purchase DVDs or downloads of some of my documentary films. We hope to have some books available soon as well.
You can look at all my photographs the same way as always, by clicking on the PHOTO PORTFOLIOS entry on this web site’s main menu at the top of this page. The PORTFOLIOS page guides you to all my photos divided into various subject categories.
Many of the photographs will now have a BUY PRINT button beneath them. Clicking on the button will take you to a page in my Store, which will show you the print sizes and prices available for that photograph. You can add your choice to a cart for payment and checkout, as on any other e-commerce site.
A few photographs will have a BUY PRINT SPECIAL OFFER button. These photographs, about a dozen or so offered every few months, will be available at a special discount price. You can see which photographs are on sale at any time by clicking on the SALE PHOTOGRAPHS menu entry on the Store’s sub-menu (the lighter grey bar just above).
If you would like to know about the documentary films I’ve produced and directed, click on the FILMS entry on the site’s main menu. If you want to buy a DVD or download of one of the films for sale, you can do it either from the main site’s FILMS page or from the Store’s FILMS page.